
How to Make a Matcha Latte

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One of the most commonly asked questions I get on my Instagram is how do I make my matcha. It's funny because it is such a simple thing, but I do love my matcha lattes and I do make a good one.

If you suffer with any sort of anxiety I highly recommend swapping out your coffee with matcha. Even if you don't, matcha has a lot of health benefits and is a nice change of pace from your average latte.

I hope this article helps you all, leave me a comment if you try this!

Why do I drink matcha?

I run anxious and high energy and coffee gives me awful jitters. Matcha has l-theanine which has a calming effect and it also has caffeine that releases throughout the day and not all at once. I actually find that I am more alert with matcha because it keeps me energized throughout the day versus coffee which gave me a burst of energy which then resulted in a crash. Matcha is also a lot easier on your stomach and does not cause acid reflux and heartburn like coffee can.

What kind of milk do I use?

I love Three Trees pistachio milk. Pistachio milk is a lot creamier than say almond milk and it froths up really nicely. This brand also does not have any added gums or flavors. My next favorite milk to use is soy.

What kind of matcha do I use?

The KEY to a good matcha latte is using a high quality ceremonial grade matcha. Ceremonial grade matcha is not bitter or fishy like some of the cheaper brands. It has a rich smooth taste. My favorite is Matcha Kari morning ritual matcha which you can use code AVOCADOSKILLET for 20% off of. I like this matcha because it is organic and has a good taste.

Do I sweeten my matcha?

I personally do not. I have found that a good quality matcha does not need any sweetener. That being said, from time to time I will add a little bit of honey or maple syrup to my lattes.

How do I make my matcha lattes?

It takes me less than 5 minutes to make my latte and I actually enjoy the process. I start by sifting  1 tsp of matcha into 1 cup of hot water into my matcha bowl. Then I use a matcha whisk to get the matcha fully dissolved. If I am using sweetener I also add it in at this step. Next I froth 1/4 cup of pistachio milk on the cold setting of my frother because I like cold foam. Lastly I pour the matcha and water into my favorite mug.

What do I use to make my matcha?

matcha latte


  • 1 tsp ceremonial grade matcha (I use this kind, use code AVOCADOSKILLET for 20% off)
  • 1 cup hot water
  • 1/4 cup pistachio milk or other milk of choice


  1. Sift in 1 tsp matcha in hot water. If you don't have a matcha strainer skip the sifting step.
  2. Whisk matcha using a matcha whisk until matcha has mostly dissolved, if you are using sweetener whisk it in the hot water with the matcha.
  3. Froth plant milk on cold setting in a frother or with a hand frother.
  4. Pour matcha into your favorite mug and top with frothed milk.